Right of First Refusal

We need your support

The Right of First Refusal (ROFR) bill would benefit our members by allowing incumbent transmission companies to build new transmission projects in our service area. Not only would jobs stay local, but ROFR would help stabilize electric rates for our members. Incumbent transmission companies would have the first opportunity at a project with this bill, ensuring we have more control over our electric grid. More details are available on Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News website.


We need support from our members to pass the ROFR bill through the assembly and senate. We ask that members call or email their senators or representatives with the message below:

As a member of my electric cooperative and your constituent, please support the Right of First Refusal (ROFR) legislation. State oversight and bidding requirements ensure that projects will be both necessary and cost effective. When my electric co-op’s transmission provider is a project partner, I benefit from their participation. Investment returns will be shared with my not-for-profit co-op to keep my electric rates lower when transmission lines are built.

You can also download a postcard to send to your elected officials! Click the buttons below to download and print a postcard to mail to the Representative and Senator in your district.

Postcard for Representatives

Postcard for Senators


Visit maps.legis.wisconsin.gov/?lat=&lon=&address= to enter your address. It will show you who your elected officials are for your senate and assembly districts, or you can locate their contact information below. You may also call the Legislative Hotline toll-free at 1-800-362-9472. Please contact your representatives with the message above to show your support.

Find Your Representative and Senator


AD = Assembly District
SD = Senate District

