Since 1987, Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative (ACEC) has been awarding educational scholarships. Through the years hundreds of students from cooperative member families have been honored with scholarships. These scholarships have traditionally been awarded in amounts of $250 to $1000 each. This program adds no cost to the members’ electric bill. It is funded entirely from unclaimed patronage capital checks that are issued by the cooperative.
The program is available January 1 – Friday, February 23, 2024. All application documents and reference forms must be submitted by February 23, 2024. There will be no exceptions to any material received after this date.
If awarded a scholarship, funds will be release for the 2024-2025 school year.
Scholarships are awarded in all fields of post-secondary education from vocational to graduate studies. They are available to adults and dependent children of all ACEC member families currently receiving electric service from ACEC. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of need and excellence in academics, social and community service activities. Applicants from previous years, especially those who were not selected, should consider reapplying.
In order consider your application, the following items must be submitted:
The deadline to apply has passed.
Here is a step-by-step process on application for a scholarship: